Traditional Kundalini Yoga with Anna

Traditional Kundalini Yoga with Anna

from $15.00

Thursdays / 6:15 - 7:15pm / classes start 11/7

This weekly practice is that of “Karma yoga”. It is the path of ‘action’—of putting in 100 percent effort without being attached to the outcome. The intent of this Yoga class is to teach how the true practice of “Yoga” can be applied to everything you do: from the most trivial, ordinary tasks to greater, more challenging works. When action is performed selflessly, with full focus and attention, it brings fulfillment and freedom. Acting without being attached to the fruits of one’s deeds—this alone can lead to union with the self, which is the goal of yoga.

Certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor, Anna Tarnashinsky is offering this weekly Yoga practice to both guide all who wish to join her on this journey of selfless service, and to share the gifts of Yoga both on and off the mat.

Pricing: sliding scale - $15 / $20 / $25 / $48 (4) class Pass - those who select the (4) Class Pass will receive an email from the Instructor containing a code to enter at checkout when selecting the remaining three class dates.

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