In a relaxing environment, you will be guided into a space of ease, rest, and receptivity through Yoga Nidra and a Vibrational Sound Bath. Guided imagery will allow listeners to move into a hypnagogic state — the natural state experienced just before going to sleep. Healing frequencies from the symphonic gong, alchemy crystal bowl, wave, and shamanic drum will be woven to create a kaleidoscope of immersive, meditative soundscapes.
Benefits of a sound bath include Deep Relaxation, Stress & Anxiety Reduction, and Improved Sleep. Additional benefits include:
Decreased physical, mental & emotional pain, tension, fatigue
Improved thought patterns, mood and well-being
Nervous system re-set
Enhanced cognitive performance and memory
Cellular regeneration & increases dopamine
Improved self-esteem and confidence
Better sleep and improved physical health
Access to higher states of consciousness
Diminishes symptoms of anxiety and depression
Reduces rage, anxiety and emotional reactivity
Increases feelings of relaxation, peace, self-awareness, self-efficacy
Treats chronic pain and post-traumatic stress disorder
PRICING: $33 per person / $50 for two / $60 for three