Your grief, fear, rage, exhaustion, +/- simple need for a reset are welcome here. We'll start off with some catharsis. Your openness & curiosity are welcome here. Your hope, joy, creativity & love are also welcome.
We’ll be moving our bodies, tapping into our intuition and co-regulating as we explore our impulses, desires, the open portals awaiting us in the coming year, and close with raucous laughter!
How to prep:
If you're able to be alone, great! If not, please have headphones available.
A pillow (for yelling into. If you're worried about making noise and disturbing people around you, don't worry - I have an effective workaround).
A journal & writing implement.
A yoga mat (or a blanket on the floor), and something to sit up on (couch pillows/cushion, yoga block, thick blanket, etc). And some extra blankets for getting cozy.
A beverage of your choice.
Reciprocity: Consider, from your position, a generous amount to offer ( $11 / $33 / $55) range considerations are detailed at checkout. Please register no later than 6:30pm on 1/29 to receive your Zoom link by 6:45pm.