OM Chanting (OMC) is an ancient group healing technique that uses the primordial vibration of OM to provide transformation and healing support to all people and the planet. In an OMC circle we harmoniously chant the mantra OM for about 45min, siting on the floor or in a chair.
The OM chanting technique uses OM in a specific way, which is amplified and strengthened by the blessing of the Masters. It is a very energizing practice and at the same time very healing on many levels, especially on the emotional one. Any tension, suffering or illness indicates the presence of negative (low-frequency) vibrations in a person or the environment. OM is the highest and purest vibration and the primordial sound of all sounds. Tuning one’s self to the vibration of OM brings about release and transformation of the lower vibrations, which is called healing.
It purifies and transforms negative energies into positive energy
- Calms down the restless mind and emotions, bringing about a state of peace and balance
- Creates a powerful balancing and healing vibration which can support healing processes in the physical body
- Uplifts indivudual consciousness
- Uplifts the vibration and consciousness of the environment and the planet
- Develops love and bhakti (devotion)
- Enables the experience of mystical sounds, ever present is our energetic heart center (chakra)
- Removes fear
- Helps with insomnia
- Supports pregnancy and convalescence
- Very grounding
- Helps the deceased.
When you chant OM in a circle you don't do it just for yourself but for other people as well. The joy of serving others is something that the world needs right now, because it needs to be changed and filled with more positivity. That's exactly what OM chanting does: it purifies your own negativity and the collective negativity of all beings, and it benefits Mother Earth well. By lending your voice to this group OM Chanting, you will add your contribution to uplifting everyone that attends.
OM chanting is part of the CITIES OF LIGHT initiative by Bhakti Marga. It's purpose it to spread OMC to all big cities worldwide and to bring more light to over-crowded and over-polluted cities through the vibration of OM. The cities and people will be "light bearers" of humanity by practicing regular OMC.
Nu Movement is currently the first and only place in Rochester, NY where OMC is publicly practiced under the guidance of and OMC organiser, Vesna Sanders.